Saturday, January 30, 2010
Persimmon Punch
Friday, January 29, 2010
The Magic of White Paint
It was time to put down the needle and thread and pick up a paint brush. I had a few items that were in dire need of a makeover, and a little white paint is my mini "furniture facelift" magic potion-- makes everything look a little crisper.
Found this table at the thrift store and snatched it up in a second. The hard part about painting in January is finding a place to paint. Our basement is "finished", it's too cold and wet outside, so... go to where it is a little less wet and and little less cold -- the garage. Can definitely see the signs of winter in our garage.
Anyhoo, here is the finished product. Nothing too spectacular, but definitely more my style. And definitely more deserving of a warm and dry place.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Sweet As A Candy
Monday, January 18, 2010
Happy January!
Wow -- already January 18th, and I think this is my second post of the new year. I guess "Up the number of posts on my blog" was not one of my resolutions. But I hope I am turning over a new leaf as of today, and will not be as absent as I have been of late.
January is one of those months that gets a bad rap -- the whole "coming down" off the holiday season, the weather is nothing to cheer about, and it is sometimes a bleak reminder of all that you need to do and "should do" in the upcoming year.
So in the spirit of positive thinking, I've decided to post some of my favorite things about January:
1. Official time for fresh starts and "do overs"
2. My beautiful twins celebrated their 5th birthday today -- Happy Birthday Bridget and Teddy!
3. My amazing mom also celebrates her birthday this month -- just another good reason for a "girl get-together"
4. Project Runway just started up again -- back in NYC, no less. Yea!
5. THE GOLDEN GLOBES! The kickoff of the Hollywood awards season. And while the lovely January Jones (pictured above) did not win for Best Actress in a TV Drama, her show did. Cheers to "Mad Men"!
Bring on the Oscars -- and Spring!