Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's Sweater Weather!

Even though it was in the mid 80's today here in Colorado, it's always sweater weather! Our nights are getting cooler, and our mornings start off chilly, so why not cover up with a classic cardigan? I added a bunch more cardigans today, and have a few more in the pipeline, so keep checking my Etsy store to see if I can help you update your Fall wardrobe.


Kellie Collis said...

I would love to feature your work - just so gorgeous! x

Jeanne said...

How clever these are. I love your up-cycled cardigans! Such beautiful work you do.

Kellie Collis said...

My pleasure! Your work is divine. You will have to ship to Australia - we have fabulous taste here. x

koralee said...

Oh how i like these..but not as much as that lovely blue one! I will keep watching! Happy Weekend