Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hello Etsy!

I'm finally on Etsy! It wasn't that hard (as you "already on Etsy" people know). The hard part for me is finding the time, and taking the photos. I'm not the best photographer and my photog (twin sis Sue) just went out of town for 2 weeks. But I couldn't delay anymore, so I snapped a few photos and here I am.

I have only listed my newest creations: the Scarlett Apron. The name's inspiration comes from Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone with the Wind". Remember the infamous "curtain dress"? Julie Andrews did the same thing for children's wear in "Sound of Music". Use what you have. While those two innovative ladies used curtains for their apparel, I've used vintage bed linens (mostly sheets, and some duvet covers).

The result: luscious, soft and flirty tiered ruffled aprons that wash well, wear well, and make a statement all their own. The above apron is perfect for the bride who wants to bake her own wedding cake and get married -- all on the same day. Or if you're already married, just wear it to make dinner. Gotta be good lookin' while you're cookin'.

So check out my Etsy shop. I will be adding more items to it daily. Just wanted to get it up and running with the Scarlett aprons.


Andrea said...

oh my gosh! I love the apron!

luckygirlgifts said...

Congratulations on your store.
Your aprons are amazing.

ON another note. I must tell you that everytime I click on your blog I unconsciously smile. I love the name of your blog. I just love the word JOY. I think it brings a little bit of JOY everytime you say or read it.
Thank you for a little bit of JOY